Entries by Ricky Steedman

HMRC Paper Chase Brings Loss of Face

Half a million people have not been sent tax reminders due to HMRC running out of paper. This follows the failure to deliver self-assessment statements to another half a million in 2008 and the PAYE disaster last year which saw …

Tax Office Blamed By MPs For Gaffes

Tax Office Gaffes

The Treasury Select Committee has held Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) responsible for intolerable deficiencies in fundamental services in a scathing report. The document highlights the fact that members of the public could lose all faith …

Congratulations to Carlton Cricket Club


Steedman & Company would like to offer their congratulations to Carlton Cricket Club on their great victory winning the Murgitroyd Masterton Trophy and booking their place in the national T20 finals day in Glasgow. We wish the team the …

Household Spending Slumps to Two Year Low

Household spending has slumped to a new two year low. The fragility of consumer spending, even before the full of effects of public spending cuts have been felt, means an imminent rise in interest rates is unlikely.

The OECD though, …