VAT Affairs

VAT affairs in UK business are an important aspect of running your operation smoothly. We look into all the recent VAT affairs in our blog posts about VAT to help you keep afoot of the latest developments in the world of VAT.

You can get in touch if you’d like a free initial consultation to discuss how we can help you with your VAT affairs. For an in-depth look at business VAT and to find out about our VAT services click here.

Read on to hear all about the latest VAT affairs and how VAT affects the UK economy.

VAT Affairs Posts

Flat Rate Scheme

Now that the mad rush is over for another year we can all take time to reflect on what has been a successful period not just for Steedman & Company, but also for Edinburgh as a whole.

As we have

Subway Defeated in VAT Tribunal

Sandwich chain bar Subway has been defeated in a first tier tribunal regarding HMRC’s VAT policy on hot food.

Around 1200 Subway outlets across the UK have been waiting on the verdict of the appeal, which was based upon whether

VAT Rise to Cause Inflation Increase

Inflation could rise to as much as 4.2 percent, as the VAT increase takes effect, City economists have warned. Consumer price inflation reached 3.7 percent in December. The rate of VAT increased from 17.5 percent to 20 percent on January …

VAT Issues
VAT is an issue that many businesses have to take into consideration, although the recent rise in the VAT threshold from £64,000 to £67,000 has given small businesses some extra breathing space.
The current standard rate of VAT is 17.5