We do SATRs every day and we know the tax return systems inside out. Read our posts for more about SATRs (tax returns)


Register Self Employment
There are a number of reasons you may need to register for HMRC Self-Assessment, even if you are full time employed. If you know you do, or if you are not sure whether you do or not, give us a

Tax Returns Deadline Catch Up – 15th October 2013 Are you behind with your tax returns? Put it aside for a few years and not got round to dealing with it yet? Well, HMRC are offering a quick and

Are you a landlord?

If so, then it is more than likely that you are either making a profit or a loss from your rented property.

But I’ve only got one little flat?

If you own one or more properties other than your main

Tax Return Deadline Catches Many as HMRC Now Issue Daily Fines

Tax Return deadline cut-off fines are likely to be issued by HMRC to between 500,000 to 1m late filers from today. £100 fines were already given to upwards of 800,000 self-assessment taxpayers who failed to submit their returns by the

Tax Return Cancellation – No More Tax Returns? Let’s Party!

Tax return cancellation prospect: Chancellor George Osborne announced last week that he was planning to scrap the annual tax return to simplify the process of paying tax for thousands of self-employed workers. While anything that purports to simplify an HMRC

Three Tax Avoidance Schemes

The taxpayer has saved around £200 million after tax avoidance schemes were shut down in court. The first case involved a Howard Schofield concerning capital gains on a £10 million gain in 2003/2004.

Schofield entered into a scheme that contrived

Tax Avoiders to be Named and Shamed

Wealthy people who use aggressive tax avoidance schemes will be “named and shamed” under plans by Treasury Minister David Gauke.

Companies that set up complicated tax schemes for clients could be fined if they fail to reveal those who are

Tax Return Deadline Extended By Two Days

Tax return deadline, Edinburgh, January. Strike action at HMRC’s call centre on 31 January has prompted the tax authorities to effectively extend the Self Assessment deadline until midnight Thursday 2 February.

A statement on HMRC’s website said: “To make sure …