Fears Over Job Prospects Dent Consumer Confidence

Fears over the prospect of unemployment have dented consumer confidence, a new survey has revealed.

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) runs quarterly surveys in consumer confidence, with the latest results showing that 28 percent of people interviewed thought that job prospects over the coming year would be bad.

The previous quarter revealed that 20 percent of people asked thought that job prospects were bad.

There was also an increase in people concerned over their personal finances. There were increases in people worried about utility bills, food prices and personal finance.

84 percent of interviewees still thought that the UK was in recession and it is feared that this public perception of the economy may slow down any further recovery.

BRC director Stephen Robertson said: “Consumer confidence is now down to its lowest for a year and these results suggest prospects for the early part of next year are fragile. People’s fears about job prospects for 2011 are the main cause.”

Ricky Steedman

Ricky worked as an Investigator in the Inland Revenue for over 20 years before founding Steedman & Company in 1987, giving him the experience and knowledge that enabled him to help so many clients over the years.

His appearance on a Channel 4 television programme about the inside workings of Revenue and Customs was watched by 4.1m which sealed his status as one of the most highly respected tax consultants to ever work in Scotland.

Ricky led all tax investigation and COP 9 cases, using his extensive knowledge to help people reach a positive resolution to their situation.

Ricky passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2022 after leaving his indelible mark on the company he founded and headed for over 35 years.