Ricky and Jason attended the PfP tax investigation evening this week at the Caves in Edinburgh. PfP offer fee protection insurance to businesses, which covers their professional fees in the event of a tax investigation. There were presentations from five

National Insurance – the Basic Facts

Most people over the age of 16 pay it in one form or another but it is still an element of the UK tax system which can cause huge confusion among employees, employers and the self -employed.

National Insurance is

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  1. Nulla consequat massa
Banks Willing to Lend More to Small Firms

According to the BBA (British Banker’s Association) banks are ready to lend small businesses cash.

It has emerged during a recent campaign by the industry group to promote small business lending trends that the majority of loans are now being

HMRC Property Voluntary Disclosure Campaign

If you have been renting out or have sold residential property in recent years and have not declared the income or capital gains to the taxman, there is an amnesty being run by HMRC – the Voluntary Disclosure Campaign – 

UK Business Optimism at Record High

Optimism that UK Business is doing the best it has done in over two decades has been bolstered by a new survey by Lloyds. The research has shown that belief has surged over the past few months throughout the UK

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa …

Workplace Pension Automatic-Enrolment

You may or may not be aware that the law on workplace pension schemes has changed and the Automatic-Enrolment scheme, with which all employers must comply, is currently being rolled out across the UK. This is a new piece of

Overseas Tax Minefield

If you are looking to expand your business overseas or just need help understanding the complex tax arrangements that apply to foreign income e.g. remittance basis, then you have come to the right place. Steedman & Company offer over 25

Thank you for Sponsoring the Kiltwalk

Scaling new heights with our clients…

Well done to Simon.

A massive thank you. With your help, I managed to 
exceed my fundraising target. 
In total, the Kilimanjaro KiltWalkers raised over £50,000 for Scotland’s children’s charities.

Well, I did it.